The Unlikely Candidate Could Be The Best Candidate!

Hiring new employees doesn’t have to be an art of perfection. In fact, forget perfection. A article by Eric Frankel reminds talent managers that searching for the perfect candidate may not get you very far.

Unattainable standards will decrease the likelihood of pinpointing a candidate that could offer your organization new energy or vision. Instead of having a check list that can’t be faltered from, open the gates and let candidates show what they have to offer before shutting them down.

Relaxing these lofty and oftentimes unattainable standards, however, can increase an organization’s likelihood of identifying new hires who possess attitude, energy and competencies at the right price – what we’ll call “diamonds in the rough.”

Very few candidates will strike a talent manager’s attention as a top-talent fit for the organization. That’s where a hiring manager’s personal efforts and instinct comes into play … take a closer look at the candidates that may not seem to have the highest potential, they could be the key candidate your organization needs.

HR and talent functions are becoming increasingly crucial in the hiring process. A few tips that can help you identify a ‘diamond in the rough’:

Supply is plentiful – be selective.

Avoid the “same old, same old” trap.

Consider a professional “cover letter”.

Relax education requirements.

Look for effort and differentiation.

When it comes to hiring, finding individuals with a new perspective and an original way of thinking will benefit the organization and provide new insight. Differentiation can be a good tool to use, as the same old thing is simply that … the same old thing. Being creative and innovative with new-hires gives depth to the overall organizational culture.

Another tactic includes paying attention to interesting resumes. Who says resumes ALL have to be identical, including the same information and similar formats? Consider essay-format resumes – universities put a lot of credit on an essay so why shouldn’t business? On that note, does a bachelor’s degree actually warrant a better candidate? Business is based on critical thinking and interpersonal skills … those traits don’t necessarily come with a degree. Take all things into consideration in regards to education.

Seek candidates who differentiate themselves through quality work history, volunteerism, athletic competition, leadership and managerial success, superior writing and personal branding documents such as resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn.

There are all kinds of avenues to explore when seeking the right candidate for your organization. Differing from the norm may yield some exciting results, if your hiring team can take that chance. To read more about different perspectives on how to find your organization’s next ‘diamond in the rough’, click here to read the full article.

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