Reduce Dissatisfaction Rates

Retaining employees has become a larger issue in the midst of a tumultuous economic state. Employee loyalty isn’t exactly what it used to be. However, some new research suggests that employees are actually staying with their jobs despite higher dissatisfaction rates. A new article from Talent‘s Mike Prokopeak, VP and editorial director for Talent Management magazine, cites a survey that depicts dissatisfied executives standing by their positions. But why?

Largely, employee satisfaction rates are low. A recent Accenture survey of 3,900 executives across 30 countries notes that more than half surveyed aren’t satisfied with their jobs. What’s a talent manager supposed to do in the midst of such a mess? Men and women alike are among the unsatisfied employees, but nearly 70 percent of them do not intend to leave their current place of employment.

With other research indicating that four out of five workers want to change their jobs, the Accenture survey can give you a little insight about how to positively press forward with your employees. Focus on the fact that with fewer employees moving around, you have an opportunity to create a strong bond with your employees. You’re in a prime position to strengthen employees’ career paths. Providing them with creative training opportunities, leadership development paths and the tools needed for advancement within the organization will create more engaged employees. (To read more in the original full report, click here). While workers are faced with fewer options, they are more willing to take on different roles to strengthen their careers – like taking on more responsibility, attaining additional education and/or training and working longer hours. As a talent manager, utilizing this willingness can be a great thing for the organization. What’s the best way to correctly use these assets? First of all, get to know your employees.

Simply talking to employees and taking the time to understand their goals and priorities may be the best response to rising dissatisfaction and career paths obstructed by the recent recession. Start by identifying whether or not someone is satisfied and if not, what in particular is driving dissatisfaction.

Accenture developed a measuring tool to gauge how employees felt in a variety of different areas. Developing a similar tool within your organization could be very beneficial. Have employees rank the importance of, and their satisfaction with, factors like career advancement opportunity, training and development, co-workers and rewards. You can use this information to be sure your employees know what’s available to them professionally. Another idea is assigning employees to a career counselor within the organization. Letting employees have access to the information about what advancements are possible will help them to understand the long-term moves available to them.

Employees’ active management of their careers is happening across genders and different age and demographic groups, but in particular is important for up-and-coming leaders. It’s rare that a young employee will spend more than 30 years at the same company.

Success may not mean exactly what it used to – and helping your employees customize their own approach to career success will create an engaged and energetic workforce. Your job here is to help your employees understand and integrate all the tools available to them within the organization. This will enhance the probability of healthy, happy and long-term talent for your organization. To read more about how to minimize dissatisfaction within your organization, click here to read the full article.

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