Collaborate Your Employees’ Work Styles

Talent managers often rave about their ‘top-talent’ and top performers but work environments cannot be successful without teamwork. Every employee must collaborate to achieve the goals of the organization. A new blog article by Robert Hosking lists four steps to overcome conflicting work styles.

Most employees have a certain, personal idea about how a goal should be accomplished. When co-workers don’t see eye-to-eye about how to accomplish work goals, there can be problems. Employees don’t always have the same work styles, and this can lead to conflict. How can a talent manager merge styles to create a successful workplace?

A recent survey found that 70 percent of support staff find it difficult to pair up with another employee that maintains a different work style. The survey also notes that managers don’t make it much easier – 65 percent say they have to adapt to their boss’ work style. Talent Managers interesting in reading more of this study should look up a research guide titled “Your Work Style in Color: A Colorful Approach to Working Relationships.”

There are four guidelines any talent manager can utilize to help overcome conflicting work styles and heighten successful teamwork within the organization:

1. Know Your Own Behaviors. Oftentimes, managers’ habits can frustrate employees, so being aware of how everyday behavior may affect others can help them make changes for the better.

2. Make Communication a Priority. It’s important for managers to let their employees know about their work styles and preferences, and not just assume they’ll figure it out.

3. Don’t Jump to Conclusions. Managers who start with the assumption that whatever an employee says or does that’s bothersome isn’t personal will be less likely to take offense and react negatively.

4. Rise Above. Managers cannot expect employees to simply adapt to their preferences and habits – overcoming conflicting work styles means focusing less on inalterable differences and more on common ground and compromise.

If your best efforts still don’t cut it, and your work style sill clashes with your employees, it’s crucial to stay focused, positive, and professional. It’s your job to keep the peace and work toward successful organizational goals with each employee. When it comes right down to it, there is no ONE approach to attaining your company’s goals – it’s still a group effort, and everyone brings something to the table. To read more about how to maintain the peace and coordinate each employee’s work-style strengths, click here to read the full article.


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